June 15, 2011

Seattle Area Quizzers

ok so the other day I was chatting with an avid quizzer from India who now is a software engineer in Seattle. We were using Skype. And I for a second, wondered , lucky bugger, gets to use Skype in office.

He works for Microsoft.

Anyways, a bunch of Indians have started the Seattle Area Quizzers and they meet in the Microsoft Office on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. One yawnful morning I will catch them over Skype at one of their sessions and film what kind of fun they have!

It seems they do an India Quiz and a Bollywood Quiz. Subroutine homesick blues anyone?


  1. Ah almost famous I say :) Being the proverbial nerds we also have our geek-meisters create "apps" for our quizzes. Snakes&Ladders and Poker apps with integrated Xbox controllers are just an example of where "we" have taken quizzing :) (Yes, to a whole new geek level)

  2. Talking of Skype and quizzes, you might want to check this out Sarat : http://yoursquizically.tumblr.com/ #shamelessPlug
